
Autumn evening outfit




Leather Jacket £30 - H&M
Dress - £25 TOPSHOP 
Silver chain - £7.99 H&M
Boots - £20 (SALE) TOPSHOP

I wanted to do a post on the sort of thing i would wear on a night out when the weather gets really bitter and the last thing you wanna go out in is next to nothing.

I feel really comfortable with this look as its smart but not too girly, its also flattering because of the elastic in the dress around the waist then the loose material skims over my stomach. I wouldnt have to worry about getting a bloated belly if i was going for a meal before hand etc.

I think a leather jacket is abit of a must have as its suitable for most occasions day or night. It always makes a statement with every outfit. I wore my first one so much i recently had to replace it :( 

Since being at uni ive had barely anytime to look at my blog. I've also gone abit tits up when it comes to my weightloss as ive been comfort eating chocolate due to stress (thats my excuse anyway). Hopfully i can get control on it again as i really dont wanna be a whale for my 21st! I just want to put all my effort into my uni work as its my priority.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely outfit. I really like the jacket, I really need to get myself a leather jacket.
    Aww comfort eating is so easy to do but, as you said, uni work comes first. And you look fab in this outfit anyway! :)

